Saturday, March 21, 2020

Social Distancing

We made it through a week of social distancing! Nate has been a little stressed at work with meetings upon meetings dealing with COVID 19. We are all a little confused as to why the need is so high to shut down pretty much everything. So far we've had few deaths in the grand scheme of things and not a ton of new cases daily....which is good, but also wondering how long this social distancing is going to happen. Here in Fergus, we are waiting for things to get worse. We are waiting to not be able to leave our houses at all. I have heard Walmart is pretty empty, so I might need to get on amazon for a delivery schedule because I'm sure that's behind too. This has definitely been a strange time. I can't say I'm nervous for our health, but am more nervous when it comes to the business and money lost during this time. I feel bad for our kids who are no longer able to go to school. I will try my best to enjoy the time with my kids, but also know there will be some long days ahead. Not to mention we go right from the school year to summer break at home. Be ready Grandparents for week long visits!!

Our teachers have said to treat these couple weeks like a spring break, but I feel keeping some structure is good for us so we try to keep up with schooling through the days. We have found some fun websites and apps that they use at school and enjoy and a couple they don't have at school that they like too. We will continue with those and the worksheets and packets that were sent home. Jade has her daily work from school and I will continue to find things to work on with Megan as not as much was sent home for her. I have received emails and Seesaw messages from both teachers this week as to what to expect coming up. Thank goodness we have technology!! The school district is issuing out laptops to kids who are in need (we currently have 2 functioning laptops at home which is going to be awesome)! They will be using Seesaw, Zoom, and other online education tools for school for the remainder of the year. Our amazing school district has also been able to offer breakfast and lunch for all students in our district for free! There are pick up sites to grab meals from which has been awesome. Maybe next week we will use it...just nervous about what we will get with picky eaters! Maybe we will try breakfast first.

The girls have been really good with minimal complaining. There have been some questions about when they will be able to play with friends (we don't have a good answer to that as we are unsure what to do), but have done really good with staying busy. They somewhat understand what is going on and we continue to talk to them and help them understand with any information we know. There are just so many unknowns at this time.

Mike and Jean cut their vacation time in Lake Havasu short and are currently driving back to Glenwood to stay quarantined in their own house. My parents are still kinda living normal lives until yesterday when more places were closed in Grand Forks.

Until next time....we will continue to pray for this virus to get under control, schools and businesses to open, and life as we knew it to return! We will do our best to stay safe/healthy through this mess!!

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