I think we have finally turned a corner with sleeping! We still need to work on the self soothing and having her put herself to sleep BUT as of about a week ago, she no longer needs to be swaddled and isn't eating at night anymore. She still wakes up once-ish a night and I have to put her back to sleep, but that will change too right? Some nights it takes me 5 minutes to get her down, others it's like 45 minutes. We are still putting her to sleep around 7/730 and then she has been waking up around 6:30/7. She just naps one time a day around 12:30 - 3:00. This is a much needed nap, but I have a really hard time getting her to go down for 2. And 1 nap really does work better for us as a whole. Then Megan is able to keep the same routine as far as sleeping goes. I'm happy to not be doing bottles at night anymore, but am excited to get her to self soothe. We will enforce this the next time we will be home for a couple weeks so we don't ruin it during a weekend.
Feed Me:
Megan is a horrible eater. We struggle feeding her everyday! If I let her be done when she was "done" with a bottle she would only eat 3-4 ounces. I can usually get her to eat about 7 ounces with some distractions. She is a very tactile kiddo and needs something else in her hand when eating. She needs distractions! When it comes to solids, she eats really good for a day or two and then it's a struggle again for a week. It's hard to tell what she likes and doesn't like because she will gobble something down the first time but want nothing to do with it the next 2 times. I've been trying more "real" food and she just plays with it. When I try to put it in her mouth, she turns her head and pinches her lips together. This is very frustrating! She seems hungry at times, but won't eat anything. The only thing she eats every time without reservation is yogurt. I think she could eat a gallon of yogurt a day!! As for a daily routine, she gets bottles when she wakes up, at noon, 4:00, and 7:00. The 4:00 bottle is just a small bottle (4oz). The other 3 are at least 7, I've been trying more at 7:00. For solids, she gets something around 10, 11:30, and 5:00. I try to get her to eat anything so how much and what she eats is always changing. I'm debating on even buying her a smash cake since she won't put "real" food in her mouth. Maybe she would if it's sweet...who knows.
2/3/15 - gave up a night bottle and being swaddled
2/7/15 - prefers walking over crawling
2/13/15 - started getting another tooth on the top. She doesn't handle teething well at all. She's a lot more whiny and needs a lot more attention. We do give her tylenol which she responds well to. She gets diarrhea, has a decreased appetite to her already limited appetite.
2/??/15 Started signing "more." I thought this was a lost cause, but I guess she was paying attention.
Jade!!! Jade gets the most hugs, kisses, laughs, etc. She truly does LOVE her big sister. If only Jade knew just how much. She loves yogurt, Mickey Mouse, walking, "cleaning" out the pantry, bath time, Megan is a Daddy's girl! When he gets home she rushes to the door to see him and doesn't leave his side for very long once he's home. Megan loves being naked. I wish it was summer so I could just let her run around in her diaper all day. She screams when I get her dressed! I think she would pull her clothes off if she knew how to!
Being dressed, having her diaper changed, having toys or something she wants taken away from her.
Clothes: We are still mostly in 9 month clothes, but they are finally starting to get short. I have been getting more 12 month outfits out.
Play dough is a good distraction!
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