She is getting better at sleeping for the most part. We have some nights obviously better than others. She is still waking to eat 1-2 times a night. The times are pretty much all over the place. Usually around 11/12 and then again at 3/4ish, but it does vary. I knew we wouldn't have another Jade that slept all night every night, but I sure wish we did. I would even be better if Megan had more of a schedule so my body could get used to it. She still goes to bed around 7/7:30 and is up anywhere from 6:30- an occasional 8:00. She does wake up and go back to sleep on her own too. Sometimes she really doesn't want to be rocked to sleep, I will lay her down awake and she whines for a minute and is asleep. This would be ideal!! We left the girls with my parents for a night to see Garth Brooks and she did awesome for them. They laid her down and then she didn't get up until 6! She does best with 2 naps, but sometimes doesn't get them in because we aren't home. She still won't sleep places because there is too much going on. She will fall asleep in her car seat on the way home from places, but wakes up as soon as I open her door. She naps around 9-10 for 1-2 hours and then again and 1-2 for 1-2 hours.
Feed Me:
We've tried a few more vege's and fruits. Doesn't seem to hate anything yet. I haven't tried anything green yet...I hate the smell of those. She is not a big fan of cereal. I usually mix a fruit or vege in with her cereal to get her to eat it. Sometimes it works and others it doesn't. She doesn't eat much in comparison to Jade. She actually has decreased the amount of solids she eats since we started solids. She started taking a bottle better and then stopped eating solids great. I'm sure she's getting more milk now so isn't as hungry, but I still feel like she should eat more. Oh well. She loves yogurt! She still gets for bottles/nursings a day, eating every 3-4 hours. She nurses in the morning and at night and gets bottles during the day. I am still pumping once during the day. We have not even started into the stash I have in the freezer. I think I could probably stop pumping during the day and start getting into the stash as we have plenty of milk frozen. We are still attempting solids after her lunch bottle and at night when we eat dinner. She nurses at 8AM and 7PM, then bottle around 11:30 and 3:30. Solids at noon and 5/5:30.
11-10-14 Started crawling into things and onto things. She will climb into Jade's chairs, into shelves, on stools, and anything else she can get on/in.
11-13-14 Started crawling on hands and knees instead of army crawling.
Length: ?? Weight: maybe around 17 lbs, I forgot to weigh her
Clothes: 6-9 months. Pants and sleeves of shirts are still pretty long for her.
Loves: Following us everywhere and putting anything she can find into her mouth. She makes sure I do a good job cleaning the floors...she finds the smallest crumbs on the kitchen floor and carpet!
Always has her hands or something else in her mouth!
Happy girl! We ditched the blocks because they were a distraction.
This is why they made straps on things like highchairs...we never had to use them with Jade. It's a whole different story with Megan.
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