Saturday, December 1, 2012

And She's Off....

Our tummy's are still full and the pounds have been packed on thanks to a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. We enjoyed a 4 day weekend out at the "Noland Ranch." The new and improved "ranch" was the host to it's first, of I'm sure many, Thanksgiving dinners. We enjoyed food, drinks, stories, and hunting with Nate's parents, his brother Lee and his fiance, and his Uncle Mark and Aunt Barb. Hunting was unfortunately unsuccessful for all of us, although Nate put up a good fight as he was out driving the minimum maintenance roads of 2L much of the weekend. I was even able to get away for a night cruise. We saw a handful of deer, but either not for long enough to get a shot off, on posted land, or 300+ yards away. As they say... better luck next year! Here is a family photo of Jade's first Thanksgiving!

Sunday morning we were all ready to head home. Our little girl seemed a bit homesick, I was ready to decorate for Christmas, and I think Nate was just sick of unsuccessful hunting and wanted to watch some football. Jade was busy walking her walker up and down the hallway as she often does when she decided to ditch the walker and try walking all by herself! Nate was sitting on the floor ready to catch her fall, but she didn't need Daddy's help and walked all the way across the living room to Mommy who was on the couch! I'll have to admit...this brought a tear to my eyes. I don't know if it's because my little girl is getting so big already or because I was so proud of her. Probably a little of both I guess. Here are a couple video's of my BABY walking! She is so interested in the camera that it's hard for me to get good video, but here is what I managed to capture. 

She still isn't "cruising" after figuring out she can walk on her own, but I'm sure we're not far from her being EVERYWHERE! She's growing up so fast, but it's so much fun too. She has such a personality!

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