Megan continues to be a pretty good baby overall. She is pretty happy for the most part. She usually wears a smile on her face. She flirts with her Dad all the time and continues to think her Sister is pretty funny. She loves playing peek-a-boo and for some reason not only likes to play with her feet, but my feet as well. She has started to jump in her jumparoo and really enjoys playing in that which frees up my hands so I also love it! She "plays" with toys more than I remember Jade doing. She enjoys different toys and hasn't really picked a favorite. Her laugh makes my heart smile! I just love baby laughs!
Ugh...She's not Jade! She goes to bed around 8/830 and is either up a few times a night or sleeps until 4-6:00 to eat. Then she goes back to bed until 7:30/8:00. If she is up before 4:00, I try to get her to go back to sleep without eating to not change our routine up too much and I don't think she should be hungry then. Some nights I'm not sure why she wakes up so much or what she really needs. If we are home, she usually naps around 10 for 1-2 hours. If we are gone, she will wait until we are in the car or home to take her first nap. She really fights napping and I can't get her to fall asleep at a couple classes Jade and I are in. Sometimes she does fine without a nap where other days she gets crabby. If she has someone or something to watch, she's usually fine. She usually naps 2-3 hours after she gets up. She is usually fine after 2 naps and doesn't really nap much at night unless she's really tired. If she gets up around 3/4:00 in the afternoon, she won't nap until it's bedtime. It's nice having her nap shorter in the morning so she will take her long nap at 1 with Jade, on the flip side, it's nice when she naps long in the morning so I get Jade time without her and then Megan time while Jade is napping. She is hard to get to go down for bed and naps. I can do it, but everyone else has a hard time and I can only do it when we are home. She's not a self soother, although I think she's getting better at that. We might be trying the cry it out thing to go to bed starting this weekend. Wish us luck...we'll see how that goes!
Feed Me:
We are still breast feeding. She eats 4-5 times a day. I continue to try to give her a bottle most days. Some days she does ok with them and will eat 5oz (I haven't tried more than that) and some days she struggles to eat 1. We might have to try a sippy cup again. Last time I tried that, it ended up all over her. We started solids on 9-15. I hate rice cereal the way you're supposed to make it right away. It's so runny. Most of it falls off the spoon before I even get it to her mouth. I thickened it up on day 2 and that seemed to go better. I will probably try to thicken it even more on day 3. I am mixing with breast milk now, but will try water later so we don't go through so much breast milk. (not that that matters if she's not going to take a bottle) I forgot how to introduce solids from Jade and when to do all of it, but I will figure it out again I'm sure.
She now is doing a good job sitting alone.
She started "talking" on September 11.
Length: 26" Weight: 15lbs 6oz (about the size Jade was at 4 months)
Clothes: Just starting to make the transition into 6-9 month clothing
She obviously loves sucking on her bottom lip. Today she was more interested in that than smiling. This is where using blocks gets hard! I remember having the same problem with Jade.