Megan has turned a corner from the last month I think. We put her to bed before Jade. Megan is usually sleeping by 7:30, if not earlier, which gives me a half hour to hour before Jade goes to bed. She still gets up one time to eat in the middle of the night to eat. On a rare occasion she will sleep until 4-5, but is usually up between 1-3 to eat. She goes right back to bed, so I can't complain too much. She usually is up for the day around 7/8:00. She is doing a better job of going back to sleep in the middle of the night on her own. Nate was on his own with the girls on October 15 and couldn't get Megan to go to bed for him so he let her cry. That was the best thing that he could have done for us! For a few nights after that, I would rock her to sleep and then put her down. I usually rocked her for 5-10 minutes and laid her down. She would wake up when I laid her down, but she would go right to bed. Yesterday, (Oct. 21) I laid her down at nap time without rocking her or anything and she was sleeping within 5 minutes. We did the same for her at bedtime and it worked again. Megan might turn into a great sleeper! It still depends on the day as to how many naps she gets in and what her temperament is like. I would say more days than not, she just gets one long nap in around the same time as Jade...from about 1:00-3.
Feed Me:
Solids are going great! She loves everything but peaches. We just tried peaches and she doesn't seem to like them much. I think her favorite is pears. We have tried sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, pears, peaches, apples and bananas. We are also having her eating oatmeal. We have oatmeal and fruit at lunch and then oatmeal and vege's at night. She is taking vitamin D per the recommendation of the pediatrician for breastfed babies. She still eats 4-5 times daily. She is getting one bottle almost every day. She does pretty well with it when I feed her, but doesn't eat more than 4oz at a time. I don't know if that's really all she needs, or if she just doesn't care for a bottle. I've tried a sippy cup again, but it ended up everywhere again.
10/10/14 - Pulled herself to a stand.
10/12/14 - Started to use her hands and legs to scoot. She is still on her tummy scooting, but pulls with her arms and pushes with her legs. She gets better and better at this everyday.
10/18/14 - Is getting her two lower front teeth. The lower left has broken the gum line and I can see the other one coming right behind.
Length: ?? Weight: 16lbs
Clothes: is wearing 6-9 month clothing for the length. She has plenty room in the body of outfits, but needs the length in the pants over 3-6 month clothing.
She loves to laugh and smile. Jade continues to be her favorite. Jade just sits there and Megan will laugh at her. I've let Jade be a little more rough with Megan and Megan really seems to like it. Megan loves to get into everything she's not supposed to...puzzles, card games, Jade's bubble magnet book. She seems to play with toys more than I remember Jade playing with. If I leave the room and Megan in one spot, she's usually right next to Jade when I get back. Jade doesn't really like it all the time, but I think it's pretty cute. She loves swinging at the park. She is becoming a better traveler in the car. She used to scream!!! She made it all the way to Grand Forks awake without crying. She did pretty good entertaining herself until about Fargo and then I had to rotate toys.
Getting pictures with blocks gets so much harder now!
I completely gave up on the blocks here!
Jade loves being a big sister most of the time. Megan is so big sitting on Jade's lap!